
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Eight Tagged Blogs, Eventually. Notification To Follow, Eventually

It's taken me a week to get my act together and sort out the tagging incident. There are rules for this sort of thing, so click onto Mr Anthrope's blog if, like me, you are a BlogTageeNewbe. Here are 8 blogs selected from the 20 or so that I read regularly, and think that you'll enjoy reading. In no particular order, they are;
1. Laila El-Haddad's blog, Raising Yousef. Laila is a Palestinian journalist who divides her time between Gaza and the United States, where Yousuf's father, a Palestinian refugee denied his right of return to Palestine, resides. This blog is about the trials of raising her son between Gaza and the US, whilst working as a journalist, and everything that entails from potty training to border crossings.
2. The London Underground blog. Oh man, this is blogging at its best. The blog's webmeister Annie Cole and her sidekicks Neil n Chris have taken travelling in a cattle pen to a new level. I just love the disgusting nature of their photos of revolting behaviour of commuters; that creature cutting his nails should be slapped with an ASBO. I really like the pictures of commuters at their sartorial best, sort of a Heat magazine for slobrities, and the polar opposite of the following blog.
3. When Notorious F.A.G. announced last November that he was ceasing all blogging, the screams of panic around the world registered 3.4 on the Richter scale. Notorious may have been emulated, but nothing will replace this; the first, the last, the everythang.
4. Robot Guy convinced me to begin saving not for my teenagers' universities fees, but to buy a ton of nickel and tuck it away somewhere safe. Okey cokey, cowboy! But there is a serious point to this; how can families reduce the risks of exposure to nickel? Leave the shrapnel as a tip whenever you're eating out in Europe.
5. Corey Amaro may describe herself as just an American living and loving in France, but she takes a stunning photo and her blog eases my homesickness for my other home at the seaside.
6. Now this blog really is outrageous, and ought to be headlined by Wikipedia as a fine example of gastroporn. Jules Clancy's Stone Soup makes me hungry for the seasons to come, and the extensive nature of her culinary skills and cooking repertoire seems boundless. I've made her entire dukkah menu many times over the past year.
7. GastroPunk and MathsChick recount their adventures with a Riverford organic vegetable box in this blog, living the good life up in the big smoke, (that's London, for our colonial friends...). Read each entry on this blog; cook everything they make; follow the instructions for prepping artichokes, and you too may one day have a fridge as beautiful as theirs.
8. And your blog. You know who you are. And you certainly don't need any further encouragement from me! Feel free to accept the tagging, and you decide whether to continue with the 8 bits of info, or 8 tagged blogs. You could of course, simply place your favourite photo in lieu of any further effort. Because it's your photos and your words that entrance me! Thank you.


Anonymous said...

hey amalee
thanks so much for your lovely plug. really appreciate it.

glad you've been enjoying stonesoup and that someone out there is actually cooking from it.

be sure and let me know if you ever pick up any errors!

annie mole said...

Hey Amalee, thanks so much for the mention. Glad you like the sloberties (lovely word) they should be back on Friday.



Ed said...

I don't know if I've ever mentioned the word "nickel" on my blog except in the context of "nickel-iron asteroid". :p

So, is this supposed to be the "8 things about yourself and tag 8 others" meme? Well, thanks, I'm glad you think of me (and link to me ;) but the whole meme-tag thing is... well, check this out. :)