
Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Captain's Verses : A Soldier's Love Letter From The Desert

You will come with me,
in that hour I wait for you,
in that hour and in every hour,
in every hour I wait for you.
And when the sadness that I hate
comes knocking at your door,
tell it that I am waiting for you
and when loneliness wants you to change
the ring in which my name is written,
then tell loneliness to talk to me,
tell it that I had to march
because I am a soldier,
and that there where I am,
under rain or
my love, I am waiting for you,
I wait for you in the harshest desert
and by the flowering lemon tree,
in every land where life exists,
where spring is born,
my love, I wait for you.
If they say to you: "That man
does not love you," remember
that my feet are alone in this night, and they
search for the sweet, tiny feet I adore...
...and your soul which I awoke
so that it should keep on singing
until the end of life...
My love, I am waiting for you.
Farewell, my love, I am waiting for you.
My love, my love, I am waiting for you...
And so this letter ends
without any sadness;
my feet are firm on the ground,
my hand writes this letter on my travels
and in the middle of life I shall be
next to my friend, facing the enemy,
with your name on my lips
and a kiss that never
went away from yours.
Pablo Neruda: The Captain's Verses