
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Comtesse du Barry And Cauliflowers

Jill Dupleix writes in this week's Times how the humble cauliflower is forever linked to Comtesse du Barry, one of King Louis XV favourite mistresses. She fled the Revolution to England, only to return to Paris in 1793 to die at the guillotine on 8 December.
Escoffier immortalised her in several sublime creations, most notably Creme du Barry, at it's most simple a silkily smooth dish of pureed cauliflower mixed with divinely soft pureed buttery potato. Try Jill's cauliflower and Parmesan soup too; just the perfect supper after a long day up in the big smoke.


Nutty Gnome said...

Hi. I wandered into here after finding you on Blotanical as a fellow Chesterfield blogger!

I've really enjoyed reading your posts and having a good chuckle!

I have to confess a preference for earl grey or Green Tea though :)

D said...

Hello Amalee, found your lovely blog via Nutty Gnome!

Just wanted you to know that cleaning gutters is the top of our list of things to do also.