
Saturday, December 26, 2009

St Stephen's Day 2009

"There was a time when, a week or so before Christmas, I used to set about making gigantic game and pork terrines and chicken liver patés, huge supplies of vegetable soups, jar after jar of Cumberland sauce, bowl upon bowl of fruit salad...

"What one comes to realise after years of organising Christmas food supplies is that, the celebration meal apart, there are always members of the family who tend to make their meal off snacks and bits and pieces. They just don't want to sit down to formal meals, and while a varied supply of ready-cooked food is necessary to supplement the cold turkey or goose, patés and terrines are perhaps too rich and fat, and vegetable soups too thick and filling."

Elizabeth David's Christmas


April said...

That's my sisters. They could eat just finger-foods. Which is probably why they are all fairly skinny. I should take a page from their books... :)

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Amalee!

Amalee Issa said...

Thing is, that's all very well for Elizabeth David and your sisters, April, but women like you and I see Christmas and all high days and holidays as the perfect opportunity to indulge in COMMERCIAL CATERING-SIZED preparations! Oh how I love to get out the 2L paté dishes from my attic and order up the stewing venison, belly pork and chicken livers...