
Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Picnics With Elizabeth David

"Not long before the war I was staying with friends in Marseille.  One Saturday night a picnic was arranged for the next day with some American acquaintances; it was agreed the two parties should proceed in their own cars to a little bay outside Marseille, and that we should each bring our own provisions.  On Sunday morning I and my friends indulged in a delicious hour of shopping in the wonderful market of the rue de Rome, buying olives, anchovies, salame sausages, patés, yards of bread, smoked fish, fruit and cheese.  With a provision of cheap red wine we bundled the food int the car and set off, stopping now and again for a drink; so that we arrived at our rendezvous well disposed to appreciate the sun, the sea and the scent of wild herbs and Mediterranean pines."

Elizabeth David
Of Pageants and Picnics

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