
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Caddie's Arrival at The Villa Fiorita

"Standing on this alien sunlit terrace, Caddie looked small, stocky, and very English, a little English bullock, thought Rob. He alone had looked beyond Hugh to her, until Fanny, quick to him, looked too. She saw the crumpled school dress and blazer, Caddie's dirty knees, wrinkled socks, and brown walking shoes white with dust; the locks of ginger hair, the panama askew, face blotted out with tears. Not very attractive for Rob, Fanny thought, wincing, but here she was wrong; Rob knew real grief when he saw it, and watching Caddie, he began to sense what this journey had been, and what lay behind it."
Rumer Godden The Battle of the Villa Fiorita

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