Summer gardening is essentially weeding and watering, and luckily the continuing rainfall* halves that list. There's a lovely part of my garden that's on my short list of "tasks outstanding for 2007." Redesigning sounds far too grand a task for what is essentially a couple of days work spent weeding and thinning out.
It's a little bit overgrown, as I haven't really paid it much attention for a couple of summers. An ancient Merlot vine sits centre stage towards the warm south facing wall of the outbuildings, with roses either side.
There's a real mixed bag of planting here, an enormous angelica, rose campions self seeding rampantly, irises, day lilies and sweet cicely; garlic and its wild cousin; and snaking nasturtiums adding pools of colour to the understory. Yet I love this part of the garden, I like its gradual return to a seemingly chaotic natural state.
It was sparsely planted initially, then became the repository, rather grandly named in my mind "the nursery plot," for my impulse buys at shows and garden centres. In the days before I had a digital camera, I used to buy something to remind myself of a particularly beautiful garden; now I take ever-so-slightly out of focus pictures. I love these oil jars.

* An unwelcome comment if my witty, urbane and charming readership lives within the Rivers Severn, Avon and Thames floodplains... that'll be southern England then.
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